Have you ever met someone who was so positive about life, you wish you felt that way as well?
You can!
Positive thinking is a powerful tool and not only makes you feel good – it gives your self-esteem a boost. Your mind controls your thought processes and can be the catalyst for living a happy and positive existence or a life filled with doom and gloom.
2020 was a particularly tough year for all of us, we were thrown into unknown territory and the information we were given was contradictory, confusing and, most of all, scary. It’s no wonder that more and more people have been finding it difficult to remain positive. 2020 brought more stress, anxiety and depression and it looks like we are now entering a mental health crisis as a result.
That’s why it’s important to take control and improve your mindset, and choose the kind of life you want. If you have been struggling a little, here are some useful tips to take into 2021.
- If you are faced with a negative thought, re-frame it and change it to a positive one. Remember the movie, Pollyanna? Her father taught her the glad game and Pollyanna encouraged the people in her town to find things to be glad about. Eventually, they did and were happier than ever before. Finding a more positive statement to support you is incredibly powerful and can be used for any negative thoughts you may be having
- Surround yourself with positive people. Go to events which bring you joy or have special meaning. Invoke positive memories whenever you can. Take some time to think back to what brought you joy as a child or earlier in your life, remember why you enjoyed them and either revisit them or simply enjoy the happy memories they bring.
- There is a saying, ‘It’s the simple things in life that matter’. Find those simple pleasures, no matter how small or insignificant they may be. They are yours to enjoy. We have a knack of over-complicating life which brings with it the stresses and anxieties that we feel. Life is like business; keep it simple and it will flow with ease.
- We’ve all heard the saying, ‘Laughter is the best medicine’. Be around people who make you laugh; it’s contagious. Stay away from negativity, even if that includes family members. We all have at least one member of the family who seems to thrive on doom and gloom. This spreads like wildfire and it’s all too easy to get sucked in.
- Love yourself; nurture the inner you. Self-love is important whether you’re a man or woman. You need to look after yourself. love others, and be kind. Greet the postman in the morning, or give a hug to someone who needs it most (if you can). And if you’re the one that needs it the most that day, be extra kind to yourself, recognise what you need and do it. It might be doing something you enjoy or might be taking a step back and taking some time off to take stock and re-charge your batteries.
- Give back – Help someone less fortunate than yourself. Volunteer your time for a charity, at a nursing home or hospital, helping others helps everyone. It makes them feel good and it makes us feel good. It’s a win-win and when you give, you receive ten-fold.
Remember, what you do affects others. If you are negative, people will start to shy away from you. However, if you are positive, you will be surrounded by people who wish to be in your company.
Always congratulate yourself on your achievements, no matter how big or small you think they are, these need to be celebrated and recognised! Positive thinking breeds positive results.
Here are some quick ‘fixes’:
- Begin your day in a positive manner. Nothing is worse than getting up in a grumpy mood. It not only sets the tone for that day’s events, but it impacts your family too.
- Buy some flowers for your home.
- Open the curtains and let the sunshine in. Also, add more light to your home if needed. Light has a direct effect on your mood. We all know that after a few days of it looking gloomy outside we start to feel its effects, and then as soon as a sunny day comes along, we instantly feel better.
- Change your perspective on life can make, don’t dwell on the negative; negative thoughts can become a negative life. Focus on the positive blessings in your life.
- Turn off the bad news, too much exposure to negative media can be harmful and affect your mental health.
- Channel your thoughts in the direction of goodness. It may be a cliche, but take time out to smell the roses, literally!!
- Give thanks for all you have each and every day – cultivate an attitude of gratitude!
- Be generous to those who have nothing.
- Take a look at the smiles on your children’s faces. Nothing in the world can negatively impact the feelings those smiles invoke.
- Live life to the fullest and enjoy every precious moment.
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”
– Dolly Parton
If you would like any support with any of the above, you can join my list for regular email, tips and resources, starting with my 12 Ways to step into your Confidence download or you can book a call directly with me here.