When you are ill you go to a doctor to help in getting better.
When you need financial assistance you go to a financial advisor or an accountant.
When you have a toothache you go to the dentist.
When you want to improve fitness and nutrition you engage with a personal trainer or join a gym?
So –
- Where do you go to get a problem solved, whether business or personal?
- Where do you go to when you need to talk to someone who will listen to your ideas and thoughts on your business plans?
- Where do to you go to for guidance and accountability?
That’s where a life coach can make a difference. And, if you’re running your own business, a coach that specialises in both business and personal issues can help you to resolve issues and maintain that all important work-life balance.
Just imagine, time for you, without distractions, for you to think and talk, in confidence and in a safe non-judgmental environment. You have a choice – who is stopping you
If you had the space to discuss a problem, get a sounding board with no agenda and no bias – how much would that help you to make better decisions? Whether you want to explore if it’s time to expand the business or go in a different direction, to examine a new project, add more staff or even find a way to spend less time at work and more with your family and friends, a life coach will help you to dig deep and listen to what you have to say – and what you don’t say.
It may be a personal problem; you might be feeling brain fog, overwhelm, time is running out, restrictions easing, not enough time to do everything, being pulled in all directions by family, friends, colleagues, business partners etc. Having a space to think, consider, explore and decide, instead of simply reacting will make a significant difference to your current stress levels and your long-term mental health.
When a problem isn’t addressed or you are in survival mode – your head feels heavy and your energy levels are low, you are tired, you don’t sleep well, your brain is whirring away, but going nowhere useful. It feels like you’re on a hamster wheel.
Solutions can be found – but you may need a little help!
Belonging to a community like BBN is good, not only for networking, but also for meeting like-minded people, business partners, and people who ‘get’ you and will give you support when you need it. We can all work together, collaboratively, and help each other, but it’s hard to give the support others need if you are struggling yourself.
Who is stopping you achieving what you’re capable of? Who is stopping you from reaching your goals? It’s probably YOU!
It’s hard to be objective when you feel exhausted and stressed. That’s where a good life coach can help you work through the issues, disentangle the knotty problems and find the space to stop, pause and breathe. Think of it as the equivalent of a productivity boost, an energy drink and something that will make you feel good about yourself.
Amanda McCarthy runs AM Life Coaching and you can contact her at amanda@amlifecoaching.co.uk or call 07808 584732.